Number 7: You shall not commit adultery

News flash: apparently God frowns upon people shagging around on their significant others. Well, duh.

Exodus 20:14: “You shall not commit adultery.”

Of course the biblical brief is that you shouldn’t be bumping uglies at all unless you are married, but that’s a whole other story.

Interestingly, it is often the politicians and televangelists who preach this shite who are most likely to screw around on their partner.

In Luke 17:30, that God dude predicted that a Sodom-like moral condition would precede his return to this earth. Ahem, looking at the state of American politics, with old Rapey Trump leading his merry band of drunks, fornicators, adulterers, fraudsters and the like, we should be expecting the return of the saviour any day now.

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This is another of those commandments that really just boil down to common sense and (more importantly) common decency.

Are you married or in a relationship with another person? Unless you are in an open relationship, keep your bits for the exclusive use of you and that aforementioned significant other.

If you decide to go shagging around on your partner, then you are indeed a cunt. And I hope you get crabs.

Don’t be a cheating cunt.

Back to the Big Book of Shagging, Smiting and Slaying’s top 10 rules

Number 7: You shall not commit adultery

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