Number 6: You shall not murder

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Do you REALLY need an edict from God to tell us not to kill people?

Exodus 20:13: “You shall not murder.”

This is the shortest of all the commandments: God forbids murder, the unlawful taking of human life in private vengeance or otherwise.

How, well … groundbreaking? You shouldn’t need a book, a sky fairy or even another human being to tell you that it’s not right to end someone else’s existence.

Seriously, if you think you might want to go about killing people, then there’s a strong possibility that you are a cunt.

If you think you need a book of fables to tell you killing someone is wrong, then you most definitely are a cunt.

(Besides, lawyers are expensive and prison food sucks)

And as we know, the one commandment you should live by is: Don’t be a murderous cunt.

Back to the Big Book of Shagging, Smiting and Slaying’s top 10 rules

Number 6: You shall not murder

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