Apparently the big dude doesn’t like it when you invoke his name in “vain”. Saying OMG or its variations are deemed a bit naughty and are likely to get you in his bad books. You might even be subjected a smite or two. Whatever the hell that might be.
Exodus 20:7: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.”
It seems that shouting “Jesus Fecking Christ” when you stub your toe, or breathlessly chucking out an “OH MY GAWWWD” in the throes of hitting the big O is very, very naughty, and should be avoided at all costs. A suitable method of avoiding accidentally taking the big fella’s name in vain might be to find yourself a partner who is lousy in bed … no chance of uttering an inappropriate comment during an energetic shag session. And always wear safety shoes to avoid toe-stubbing incidents.
It does seem a little self centred to believe it’s worth literally etching in stone a rule about when and why someone can say your name.
Here’s an idea: just don’t be a cunt.
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