How many commandments do we really need?

Thou shalt not do this, or that: Don’t worship false gods (including orange grifters). Don’t covet your neighbour’s missus. Or his goat. Don’t do the horizontal tango with the wrong person. Don’t be a thieving twat … the list goes on.

But let’s be honest people, it all boils down to one simple rule to live by. We don’t need 10 commandments, we need just one:

Don’t be a cunt.

Think about it. For every commandment in the big black book of fairy tales (aka the Bible), this one simple rule covers it.

For every criminal act that might land you in court, this one simple rule covers it.

For every edict in every other religious tome, this one simple rule covers it.


We don’t need some bloke in the sky to tell us what not to do. We simply need to follow the teaching of the Church of the One Commandment.

Don’t be a cunt.

Join us in our quest to spread the word.